Weeee.... finally..... the long awaited vacation!!!
We have planned a getaway since Air Asia had a big sale last year. Since Hong Kong is one of my all time must-go list, we chose to go HK + Macau to celebrate my birthday and also our 11th anniversary!
Upon arrival to Macau, I saw the sea water level was unusually high near the airport. As we walked towards the bus stand to board the bus to hotel, it started pouring. It rained so hard that we started to question, is it normal? We anyhow took the bus directed by the tourist information counter, towards a station called "Si Da Hao". Being half-literate in the chinese language, I could not identify which station to get down from the bus. We overshoot for at least 3 stations before Wilson asked the driver. So we ought to jump down from the bus and walk to the opposite station to get on another bus back to the right station. With the rain and heavy luggage to drag, it was not the best way to start our vacation.. anyway.. we managed to reach O.le Lon.don Ho.tel and checked in by almost 3pm.
- Me checking out the bus routes, we were quite lost here, before getting onto the right bus back to hotel XD -
Upon check-in and putting down our luggage, we immediately headed out for the free & easy tour on our own around Macau. Started off with Senado Square, which was a walk away from our hotel. From Senado Square, we walked through small lanes and streets till we meet the famous landmark - The Ruins of St Paul.
- Senado Square; about 10 mins walk away from our hotel -
- First Eateries stop: Wong Chi Kei, for wanton mee and special fish ball -
- Shopping and sight-seeing around Senado Square, narrow walkways full with shops and eateries. Lovely -
- Final stop of the day, the Ruins of St Paul -
By the time we reached the Ruins of St Paul, it started drizzling. So we decided to stop by Starbucks to wait for the rain to ease. But the rain did not ease, and we started to feel not right. We then overheard a tourist asking the waitress about the rainy weather. This was the respond, "There was typhoon hitting Hong Kong yesterday, you have no idea?" Wow, we really have no idea, too! Lucky that we arrive a day after the typhoon in HK. Else we might not be able to land!
The rain did not ease much and our shoes were soaked in rainwater and it was almost impossible to walk in those shoes anymore. So we stopped by a shop to get each of us, a pair of slippers. The shop owner told us how serious was the typhoon in HK, apparently it was the worst in 13 years! Again, we were so lucky to miss it by inch. As we walked around the street, stomach growled. Wilson asked if I would like to try on the MacDonalds in Macau, yeah, we should! and we did!
- Not much difference from ours, just that the Sausage McMuffin is with pork, not chicken -
Then we decided to march to nearby bakery to buy our supper. We bought the famous Portugese egg tart and the Macau Pork Bun from a chain bakery called Ma.xim.
- Super yummilicious Portugese Egg Tart -
- Pork Bun.. meh.. -
By then it was already passed 10pm, we slowly march back to our hotel in umbrella. After washing up and drying ourselves, we munched the supper bought from the bakery. By then we were too tired to get out of the hotel as it was still raining outside. Finally we watched "Crayon Shin Chan" on mobile PPS with free hotel Wifi till we both fall asleep. With finger crossed that weather will ease off tomorrow as we will move to Hong Kong, by ferry.
It was memorable and lovely experience, to be soaked in rain and getting lost in a foreign country. We all ought to have this experience at least once a lifetime. We had it during our pre-honeymoon.