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Showing posts from 2010


Since 2 years back I've been considering to join the gym for a healthier life style. It was until last month that I finally braved up and went ahead signing a year contract at Fitness First. I chose to join the Uptown branch, opposite Wilson's office. I was so happy that I manage to convince Wilson to join with me! We need some exercise badly and sweat off some stress; really... Thankfully this gym is located just walking distance from his office, no excuses to say no! From treadmill to cycling to cross training, we normally did 15 minutes for each routine. Included 15 minutes of rest and changing, that makes up to 1 hour in the gym. 3 times a week, 12 times a month. That's what we pre-agreed to, at least 3 visits a week. Which normally helps to burn about 120 calories for the whole gym thingy for each session. Not much I guess, but it's a good start for people who are not exercising at all previously. The weighing machine told us to burn how many kgs of fat to get to a

Nostalgic Penang

Penang Island is a very special place for me. Because it was a place where me and Wilson gathered lots of sweet memories. Therefore, a trip back to Penang after 3 years was somehow nostalgic for us. Especially when we visited some places we used to hang out during Uni times and eat food we used to enjoy then. - My love for prawn is satisfied with this plate of GIANT prawn + mantis prawn Ah Leng char kuey teow - - Assam Laksa near Kek Lok Si, lovely taste - - Curry Mee near Sunway hotel, we used to come here for supper :) - - Penang Road cendol, famous thirst quencher that is a must have - - Penang style Chee Cheung Fun with Prawn sauce, specially found only in Penang - - "Mat Dou Yau" a.k.a. Leng lui Tong shui, a dessert one shall not miss in Penang - - Seafood dishes at a very reasonable price in Weld Quay Restaurant near the port - - Thai food at Genting Hill, the food is so-so but the ambient is breath-taking; especially the sunset, worth a thousand words - Due to long dis

What am I?

It has been some time since I last updated this blog. Heaps of stuff happened and I just had the time to pull a break and evaluate the events that happened to me in the past 1 month. I've changed my job, moving into sales line is not an easy decision to make. I was doubtful with myself until I really come on board. Perhaps it may be too soon to tell where I stand in this job, but I was really thankful that my current boss gave me an insight of myself. We had sessions to understand what are our temperament. This is something that govern what kind of job that fits us. Apparently I am an "Artisan" after few rounds of personality tests. An artisan loves freedom, leads by taking action, seeks to have impact and variation, needs appreciation, a risk taker, problem solver and an opportunist. When I read the full description bout what I am, I immediately understand why I felt in constraint and bored working in the manufacturing line. I am just not that type of person that falls i

New Haircut

A haircut for the new beginning :) My previous hairstyle was BOB, I took courage to cut it short last 2 years. So for the last 2 years I didn't visit saloon at all. Finally today I thought I have to cut off my out-of-shape hair, I have to trim it back into shape! Quite bored with layered hairstyle, so I tried the straight cut.. to make my hair look fuller and straight. Not bad, I quite like this hairstyle~ It's a preparation before I make digital perm later :P Long & Straight hair - Love it!

Last Day in Q

After I tender resignation, working life had been stress-less. It has been a long long 1 month of serving notice period. The feeling was like; you still want to contribute but trying not to be too committed to it. Therefore I just simply cruised through the last one month. Today is my official last working day. It seem a little unreal when the day comes. I write the farewell email as per tradition, I return the company properties as per requirements, I shake colleagues' hand as per manners. Finally I walk out from the fab armed with a really heavy heart. Especially when it is raining cats and dogs and the red muddy drain water flowing fiercely. I jumped onto my car; the radio aired Amei's 解脱 (jie tuo: relief). A perfect timing; yes.. I felt relieved! Finally I made my move, and I am so sure that I made the correct move this time. :)

MU jersey!

I finally have the MU jersey which I long for! Taaaddaaaa~~ Glory glory Man Utd!~


Wilson found this software " ooVoo " which provide convenience to chat through our laptops' webcam. This webcam communication way reminds us of tough times we went through during university ages. It is a gentle reminder to us to cherish what we're having now; each others' physical presence, that used to be a privilege some time ago. Although our houses are 10 minutes drive away, although we meet almost every day; we would still chat for hours through handphone; sometimes with ooVoo on. Even after 9 years of courtship, we somewhat have ways to keep relationship fire burning strong. It is the effort from him that made me fall in love, over and over again. =)

Exploded Tyre

On the way to work today, my poor car's hind tyre exploded. Not just any ordinary flat tyre, my tyre burst! I was driving around 80 kmph at MEX highway and suddenly after the toll.. I felt the car didn't really responding to my maneuver.. Thought it was just the strong wind (always felt the car moves left n right due to strong wind on the highway). Only then I started hearing "Trak trak trak..." sound from the car. I off my radio, and listen properly. The sound went worse, and I felt my car slanted one side! I stopped my car on the road side and was horrified to find out that the car tyre had a BIG hole on it! I wasn't joking, the hole is as big as my fist! I couldn't get any help at the highway roadside so I decided to slowly roll my car to office situated about 2km away. As I reached office, I stormed into the Site Office to get help. (because the site office is very much nearer to the parking) Amazingly these so called ex-department mate of mine, they were


I totally dislike beer all these while until I tried this... Hoegaarden Beer - wheat beer from Belgium. Hoegaarden wheat beer is spiced with coriander and orange peel. It is unfiltered and therefore pale and cloudy in appearance. It's less bitter and has less "beer-ly" smell leftover after drinking session. Thanks darling Wilson for bringing me to Crafts Brew @ Mutiara Damansara!

Cameron Highlands Short Trip

We've been longing to go for holidays, to ease out the stress and backache from hectic lifestyle. But we're not in the position to spend a fortune for vacation, so there we go.. to a nearby Cameron Highlands - for a 3 days 2 nights getaway. So... there we go.. to the never ending tea sessions! We departed from KL around 9am in the morning, the journey took approximately 3.5 hours. We decided to take the new highway with better road condition - exits at Simpang Pulai. Our first impression upon reaching Cameron Highlands was... it's NOT cold here! it's not even cooling... it was HOT! We took brunch at Cameron Valley Tea House - had our FIRST scone and tea here. It was yummy... and the tea plantation view was great. We then headed to check in our pre-booked hotel - Century Pines Resort at Tanah Rata. We were quite satisfied with the hotel, just that I thought the facilities were a little old and smelly. Of cause, there was no air-cond in the room, presumed that weather

New Laptop!

It is no doubt how much I love the colour pink, I perfected my pink bedroom with the Dell Inspiron 14R - PINK! My new laptop is so jaw-drop gorgeous! Slurp~! I bought my precious from PC fair, priced at RM 2,449 with 30 freebies and a free Targus laptop backpack. The freebies included speakers, mouse, headphone, screen protector, keyboard protector, mini vacuum cleaner, screen cleaning set, pendrive, laptop cooler etc etc... 30 items. Oh, the spec of the laptop? :) Intel ® Core TM i3 processors (2.26Ghz, 4Threads, 3M cache) 2GB (1 X 2 GB) 1 DIMM DDR3 320GB 7200RPM Hard Drive 14.0 Widescreen HD WLED ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5470 - 1GB DVD+/-RW Optical Drive Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium 64bit Finally... I have my dream laptop... PINK in colour! *_^

I'm moving on...

It has been confirmed. I am moving on from here. It has been 2 years I worked here, all ups and downs would end on the coming 8th of Sept. Enduring 2 years in Company Q has brought myself, mentally and physically strong to face obstacles. Starting a new company is not easy, what more a factory. From scrap, I see slab by slab the factory is built. I lived on with German culture, I worked under pressure from demanding bosses, I worked in a construction plant!! I have never a slight idea this job would be like this when I signed the employment letter. All I know is a great opportunity to get training and stay in Europe. But once the Europe thingee is gone, hell started. Safety shoe, safety helmet, safety vest, safety harness, face mask, "ghost lorry", red muddy pool, big giganto rocks, dust, deadly sun beam, heat, lunching in a container together with construction workers?!... you name it. Basically my skin went from fair and smooth to rough and dark. Curse Company Q! Despite th

Bridesmaid 4x

I'm blessed with many lovely girl-friends from uni and schools.. We were so close to each other that no way for me to miss out being a part of their happiness journey down the marriage aisle. In the last 0.5 year, I've witnessed and accompanied 4 girl-friends to the hand of their husbands. Being "zimui" for the 4th time in half a year, I just can't stop smiling looking at the photos and recap the happiness shown on their faces. I too, share the excitement and happiness. 06.12.09 - Sis Vickie 12.12.09 - Sotong Teng 28.02.10 - Sue 27.06.10 - Mei mei Of cause, the dedication put during the events were quite overwhelming, eg: the hens night, on the actual day: waking up at wee hours, dressing up to dress code, preparing games, entourage to other states and lastly, to bless the newly wed. The moment the brides wiped their tears of joy, I felt the effort was well paid off, what friends are for? :D Well, one of them already moved forward to motherhood.. how lovely :) Co

Our Future Kids?

Just being curious how our future kids will look like... I came across a website to generate baby's photo by submitting papa and mama's photo. Just for fun... I "generated" my baby Lawrence and baby Elizabeth :) Any chance they look like me? Or him more? :P Really anticipate the future that lies ahead...


They are my brothers.. So.. this is what he learned from uni? Cute video and amazing determination though.. kudos, boi! =D

Health Boost Drink

My mother is a great person, although at times I think she nags way too much.. but she's still the most wonderful mother on earth (for me..) She complaints how weak/pale I look so she made this health boosting drink for me every single day. She will put the drink in a thermos and reminds me at least 3 times a day to bring to office. The drink is made up of all Chinese medication herb; these few ingredients come together to enhance my health in a whole: Chinese wolfberries (枸杞子 gou ji zi) - help eyesight, improve liver's health, improve circulation - Codonopsis root (党参 dang shen) - Activates metabolism and improves blood circulation, counters mental and physical fatigue - Red dates (红枣 hong zao) - Nourish blood, retard aging; warming; moderating the toxicity of potent drugs - (Dried Longan) - For better taste - Love this drink so much.. taste a little sweet and rich in aroma. Yummy and healthy. Thanks mummy :D - SluRp! -

D-I-Y Mask

I've started a new hobby. Do-It-Yourself masks. My skin was getting duller and duller due to lack of facial care. I only wash my face once in the morning and once at night with a simple over-the-counter facial cleanser. It was an eye opener when I came across a magazine discussing bout affordable masks, right out from the fridge! I read on and discovered, HONEY - Strong anti-inflammatory agent that prevents infections and reduces the existing ones when applied on problem or sensitive skin type. EGG - Egg whites cleanse, exfoliate and tighten; where egg yolks moisturize, feed, and soothe your skin. MILK - Has role of enzymes, some anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling and ease the tension in the skin effect. For a smooth and fair skin. LEMON - Acid in lemon tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, cleanse the oily and unclean skin. Voilà! So... I invented my own mask :D - 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 egg - - fresh milk - - Beat the mixture till fluffy - - A few drops of lemon jui