On the way to work today, my poor car's hind tyre exploded. Not just any ordinary flat tyre, my tyre burst! I was driving around 80 kmph at MEX highway and suddenly after the toll.. I felt the car didn't really responding to my maneuver.. Thought it was just the strong wind (always felt the car moves left n right due to strong wind on the highway). Only then I started hearing "Trak trak trak..." sound from the car. I off my radio, and listen properly. The sound went worse, and I felt my car slanted one side! I stopped my car on the road side and was horrified to find out that the car tyre had a BIG hole on it! I wasn't joking, the hole is as big as my fist! I couldn't get any help at the highway roadside so I decided to slowly roll my car to office situated about 2km away. As I reached office, I stormed into the Site Office to get help. (because the site office is very much nearer to the parking) Amazingly these so called ex-department mate of mine, they were so reluctant to help! I was so disappointed with these people. I have no choice then to call my current department mate. Lucky me they came for rescue without hesitation; considering they have to walk about 10mins to the car park to help me. In these situation I knew who's my friend in need, indeed. My colleagues was horrified too to look at my flatten tyre. Worse thing was, my tool box is missing in the car boot. I have not a single idea where I misplaced it or whether someone stole it. Anyhow I manage to borrow the essential tools from another colleague's car. They replaced my broken tyre with the small tiny spare tyre. Lucky that the spare tyre still has some remaining air in it.
After work, 2 of my colleagues accompanied me to a nearby workshop to get the broken tyre changed. I actually changed the 2 front tyres last week, the mechanic told me my hind tyres were still fine! So fine that it exploded today, I'm really mad! I am definitely NOT going back to that mechanic ever!
The broken tyre was really in terrible condition. And I found out.. the culprit is a BIG nail poked onto it. Sigh! This is how much a nail on the road can do:
The broken tyre was really in terrible condition. And I found out.. the culprit is a BIG nail poked onto it. Sigh! This is how much a nail on the road can do:
God bless! Need to get a tool box for my car... really!