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New Year Resolutions

Alright, since I did the round up for year 2008, I shall do the new year's resolutions also. I wouldn't be so kiasu to put 20 resolutions and in the end achieving non.. I guess, concentrating on 5 main goals for 2009 and achieving it big and soundly will do.

1. Save, save and save

Since the economy is slowing down this year, I shall start saving up money to secure myself financially. I'm not a person that rely on other people (especially parents), so I ought to prepare myself an umbrella for rainy days. Since I just started working on 2007, I've been spending a lot on vacations. So for this coming years, I want to cut down this expenses as much as possible.

2. Keep fit

I lost 2 kg while traveling in Europe last few months. However I gained them back over the festive seasons and holidays now. Since my company has a free gym for us, I shall start jogging on treadmill on the coming week. I've got colleagues accompanying me for this exercise, we all hope to look stunning and have a healthier lifestyle. I even made a deal with Wilson to swim or jog every weekend.

3. Improve my knowledge

I'm now a system engineer for the industry I'm in. A number of experienced engineers would be reporting to me and I'm expected to know things which by now still struggling to learn. The stress is unbearable at times, with limited experiences I can only top up my value by readings. I shall learn up head to toe of my systems asap, through books and hands on.

4. Learn to cook Western dishes

I'm familiar with home chinese dishes now, I could anytime cook 3 dishes, 1 soup to serve my family now.. but I've been always awed by those Westerner's dishes, grills, cookies, salad etc.. I want to learn up grilling turkey, carbonara spaghetti, oxtail soup, Caesar Salad, Gnocchi, Cordon Blue etc etc.. I want to learn variety of food so my "customers" would be happy enough to have my food daily in the future. For the start, I already procured 5 cooking books on these. :D

5. Ditch Kiasuism/ Jealousy in my blood

Most Malaysian and Singaporean has the kiasuism in their blood, and honestly I do too.. which is not good. Because of kiasuism I made a lot mistakes in the past and I want to stop repeating these mistakes again. Every person is an unique individual and to compare people is religiously wrong. God is fair to us, as long as our heart is kind. Be contented with what I have and have faith that it would be better are what I want to cultivate for now.

I wonder how many of my resolutions can come true.. not that hard right? I WILL do it.


Anonymous said…
sometimes it's worth to look beyond the surface. while you think others are relying on their parents, has it ever occured to you that they also spent a bomb on their parents every month? or that they willingly share 2/3 of their bonuses with with parents? etc etc

to be happy in life, it's best to not compare. instead of saying, i'm not like others who rely on parents... why not say, i am proud of myself that i could afford XXX on my own?

the constant need to compare will only lead you to be bitter and affect your relationships with others which will otherwise be fine. food for thought.

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