All these while I thought golf is for old folks, businessman and Tiger Wood.. only until HG, Felix and SH tell me that golfing is.... FUN?!?!
So, I decided to try it out, since the community center in Cyberjaya has the driving range facilities and HG has 2 sets of clubs. He also promised to teach me the basics..
So, I decided to try it out, since the community center in Cyberjaya has the driving range facilities and HG has 2 sets of clubs. He also promised to teach me the basics..
So HG has 5 new students to learn golf from him. Me, SH, Felix, Shelly and Looi.
There are few steps I learnt:
- Beginner shall use the P labeled club, different labels indicate different angle and distance that club able to deliver.
- One shall concentrate on the target (ball) as much as possible.
- One shall swing to bring up the ball, not hit nor wack the ball a.k.a not to use too much force.
- The perfect posture to play golf is hand straight, legs bend a lil, backbone straight.
- Left leg is the position locker, as we swing, the left leg shall not move
So I managed to swing the ball up to the sky after few attempts. According to HG sifu, it was considered very good for a beginner and I was quite talented. Hahaha!!
- First Golf Game! -
I'm so gonna play golf, AGAIN! Want to break the 100m range the next time...