All these while I thought golf is for old folks, businessman and Tiger Wood.. only until HG, Felix and SH tell me that golfing is.... FUN?!?! So, I decided to try it out, since the community center in Cyberjaya has the driving range facilities and HG has 2 sets of clubs. He also promised to teach me the basics.. - HG's professional golfing set - - Driving Range - So HG has 5 new students to learn golf from him. Me, SH, Felix, Shelly and Looi. - Me! - - SH - - Looi - There are few steps I learnt: Beginner shall use the P labeled club, different labels indicate different angle and distance that club able to deliver. One shall concentrate on the target (ball) as much as possible. One shall swing to bring up the ball, not hit nor wack the ball a.k.a not to use too much force. The perfect posture to play golf is hand straight, legs bend a lil, backbone straight. Left leg is the position locker, as we swing, the left leg shall not move - Sifu - So I managed to swing the ball up to the sk...