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Married Life

To date, we have been officially married  for 3 months, anybody that I come across will shoot me this question:


Ok.. So perhaps it's quite a good topic to blog about.

Formal Title

Being officially a Mrs now. Even though we are legally married some months ago, the "married" feelings just emerge now in full force. Especially when Banjaran Resort addressed me as Mrs Lai, a sudden strike in the head, oh yea.. I am a Mrs now. When I do introduce myself to people, and when they ask, I said "Yes, married." Somehow it just make me feel more mature and finally accepted the fact that I have walked into the aunty category. Sigh.

Staying Together

We have been a couple for 11 years, but we have never stay in the same house before. So now, we share bed, toilet, wardrobe, bathroom, study room etc. It was not that easy at first, I have my ways of organizing things and he has his ways. So in the end, one of us will have to compromise and give in. But with much love and understanding, we managed to find our balance points as of who's ways are better and it is to be followed. From who to wash up first in the morning to how to fold our bedsheet to housework duty roster. It is very fun actually, and it is as what I have imagined earlier. Wifey sweep the floor, hubby mopped it. Wifey iron the clothes, hubby clean the toilet. Very sweet indeed.

Other than daily life stuff, we now see each other every single day. It's quite easy to pick a fight, even though lovey dovey all day long but small things can suddenly provoke you out of nowhere. It takes up much EQ actually, to be able to accept one another totally, bad and good things. I believe this is really an art, and it take years to master it.

Sharing Resources

With us being Mr and Mrs, we are now sharing everything under the roof, including money. We each have our portion to contribute to the household. We have discussion and plan on how our salaries to be used. Well at most point, it means that I am now legally and rightfully use his money. Haha. And vice versa? E.g. he pays for all the meals we had outside and i buy all the toiletries at home for both of us. Fair? 

P/S - He now uses my shampoo and body shampoo. Ditched his old brand already. Hahaa.. Oh wait, we also share pets now... I bathe his tortoise and he feed my rabbit, LOL. And we both take care of our new pet Cocoa together :-)~

Family Planning

Of course, setting up a family is one of our main agenda after getting married. A new chapter to unfold. At times it still freaks me out when someone ask when are we planning to have babies. Not that I don't like or what, I am so into having babies! I want to be a mummy so much! (Maternal instinct started to kick in since few years back - fyi I even thought of what to name my baby already!) But it's not something easy, the commitment, time and monetary wise, and our readiness both mentally and physically. So when this question pops out, it's like a million dollars question and I struggled to answer it all the time. So I always got away with this reason: our horoscope is boar and this is the year of snake and it will not compatible with us. Well, and then people will start to calculate when we should start making babies to "generate" Horse baby instead. I am really thankful to have very concern and caring family and friends. But I'm really not comfortable having open discussion bout baby making procedures, timing or details. Of course, when the time comes, we would be more than happy to announce that. Geez...

Being There for Each Other

This is so important. Marriage works, sparkles and lasts because of this. Being there for each other, during ups and downs in life, in career, in decision making, in everything! Not that we are not during the courtship period, but now it means more, dedicated wholeheartedly for us, for our family. It's the happiest time by end of the day, when we sit down and check on each other's day. Good? Bad? Disappointed? Thrilled? With good attention to each other, we grow together. We grow old together :)

this is it.. what I think of marriage life so far... :)


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