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Bachelorette Parties

Round 1 - UPM Besties

2009 - Ai Teng tie the knot, we had her hens night at Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
2011 - Bee Lin's turn, we headed to Holiday Villa, Cherating for her hens night getaway.
2013 - My bachelorette party. We had a great time at Avillion, Port Dickson!

Our tradition to celebrate each besties's bachelorette day with a luxurious pampering holiday; just the 5 of us.  Not those crazy partying type, but just a simple lovey dovey quiet getaway with my bestest pals.

We settled on the date 15 of December to blast off the getaway, 2 days 1 night at Avillion! It was quite tough to squeeze in the slot into everyone's busy schedule, but really appreciate the girls' effort to make this tradition go on.

This time around, AT was the one driving, with her Exora, we were comfy along the 2 hours drive to PD. We were a little ahead of schedule to check in, so we decided to have lunch at the new PD waterfront. Upon checking in, we were thrilled as our Garden Chalet has been upgraded to Water Chalet for free! We anyhow got to experience the renowned room-on-the-sea. After checking out the room, as soon as we wanted to head out to the private beach, it started drizzling. *What a dismay!* So we pulled out the corsage materials I bought and started a craft class in the room. We had some nice chatting, snacking, gossiping and laughing all the way until Florence realized the rain had stopped!

We hurried out to the beach, armed with a kite and camera. We kicked some sand, flew the kite, camwhored, jumped and ran around for hours on the beach. We did not miss out the sauna and steam bath, and a short visit to the petting zoo. By evening we headed back to hotel, rested and immediately jump onto the car to find a good place for dinner. Our stomach really growled then. We ended having our dinner at Yun Long seafood restaurant. The food is so-so, nothing to shout about but we finished anyhow due to our growling stomachs.

After dinner, we headed back to hotel for wash up and had our Bailey time. It seems like our tradition to have Bailey everytime we're having "sleepovers" like this. That night we chatted for hours and hours as if there were tonnes of news to share. We shared our thoughts, experiences, expectations and everything in our lives and relationships.

And we came to realized, the 5 of us are in different unique stage of relationships.

AT - Married, mother of two.
BL - Married, expectant mother.
JK - Registered, the Hen of the night.
Cam - Long term relationship, planning for marriage.
Flo - New exciting relationship, in honeymoon stage.

We fell asleep without realizing and it was dawn soon enough. We woke up and planned to go for an early swim at the "silent pool" and only me,cam and flo going as the 2 mothers preferred to have breakfast instead. Anyway in the end the 3 of us ended up having breakfast too, unable to resist the smell of food. Ha. Ha. But we did dip into the silent pool and had a "quiet" swim. After swimming, we took stroll along the beautiful surrounding of the Avillion, the lovely warm sea and cool breeze brushed off my anxiety towards the upcoming wedding events.

Finally at 12pm, we checked out from Avillion and headed back home. It was a short getaway but I did feel much refreshed mentally and physically. Really appreciate the effort forked out by the girls to organize this hen night getaway for me. Really appreciate and treasure our friendship and BFF-ship so-so much.

Round 2 - Buddies from VI

These are my classmates in form 6, apparently they are also classmates to Wilson. So we are extra close due to this. The girls in FM2, mainly are from BBGS, meaning I've known them since young. As for this gang's tradition, we simply have dinner/gathering at some nice place for hen night celebration.

2010 - Sue's hen night at 7Ate9, Ascott.
2011 - Mei's turn, celebrated with a BBQ party at her nest in Taman Desa.
2012 - Sarah, had a dinner at F Kitchen, Bangsar.
2013 - My turn, we had it in My Elephant, Happy Mansion.

It was a bit of an adventure for us on that day, 20th of Dec, initially Mei booked Kokopelli for this event, but they were closed for private function and we were not pre-alerted on that. Thumbs down to Kokopelli on this. So we had to find our new place on the spot. At first we thought of going to a french restaurant nearby as recommended by Kokopelli boss, but we were not settled with their food. After some dilly dally, finally someone suggested "My Elephant" which is also a stone away.

So we had our little gathering there, as usual laughing our heads off and enjoying Thai food from the restaurant. Even though a little not that proper to have spicy food few weeks before wedding but well, I did control the amount I take in.

And to my surprise, cheeky and thoughtful Mei baked us some adorable cookies, as for mine, she particularly baked an asset and a bikini body with "W & J" beautifully engraved on it. The asset even have "fur" on it! And I was given a rabbit ears hair-band to put on to indicate me-the-hen.

After food and laughter they presented me with a whole big stack of Jusco voucher as wedding gift. I suppose it's also for our new house's move in gift. Thanks girls, really thoughtful of them.

So, I'm a happy girl, that many pretty ji mui and rounds of hen night. Perhaps I'm now all ready to hatch an egg and be the bride.


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