It's quite a shame to say I finally build up the courage to see the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialist for the first time at this age. It has always been a nightmare listening to the story of how Papsmear and Ultrasound being performed by a total stranger at your intimate part. Although I'm truly aware I should at least see the gynae once a year to check for well-being of my female organs, I procrastinated until yesterday. That's when Wilson insisted I should do the check-ups before we officially start family planning.
So I made some researches, these pre-marital check ups could be as comprehensive as you name it, the fees could add up to thousands. Since I did my full body check up just 2 years back, I opt for a basic well women package which consists of papsmear, pelvic ultrasound, breast examination and gynae consultation. I took this package from Pan.tai Hosp. KL and was recommended by their Health Screening Centre to go with Dr. Prem.itha.
- An hour wait -
That morning, Wilson accompanied me to the hospital cause I'm too chicken to go alone. We waited for about an hour before we get to meet up with the gynae. She's a really nice doctor, professional, gentle and very caring. Most importantly, as I mentioned to her it's my first gynae visit, she patiently explain every steps of the check ups to me. From each device she's using to every procedure, I was well aware what's going on so was not that nervous during the check-up. Glad, everything is fine. Shall wait for the papsmear result for confirmation.
She asked a string of questions on my female health conditions, history and also explained to me that my menses pain seems like a normal pain. Hopefully after childbirth will ease off, but shall not be too certain she says, some women's menses pain just did not go off. Gosh. Finally, she mentioned that we could just try for baby naturally whenever we're ready, and look for her if there's any problem.
So that conclude my first visit to the gynae. A smooth visit, not as scary as I imagined. Thank god everything is fine :)