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Europe Trip Day 11-15

29.09.08, the 11th day I spent in Europe. It was a Monday, blue blue Monday. My mind is so far away from work, because I will be going home in few days time. Nothing much happened these days. Working time was so busy, to gather all information during this limited time. We had dinner as usual, Felix did the cooking and we did the eating. Normal chatting session, things were really great.

- Company Q Office Block -

30.09.08, the 12th day in Leipzig.. after the normal 8-5 working, I visited the Mini October Festival nearby our apartment. The fair was so romantic and sweet, the little stalls sold all kinda stuff I haven't seen before in real life. Eg: the chocolate dipped apple, the love-shaped gingerbread biscuits, spices, exotic animal parts merchandise and many many more. We tried the fresh wine, so yummy and sweet! One cup shared among us, for EURO2 a cup. Walking at this fair at night really gave me a feel that I'm in Europe :)

- Spices Stall -

- Crystals and bottles stalls -

- Ginger Bread Love Shaped Biscuits -

01.10.08, the 13th day I'm at Leipzig. Today, my department arranged a cooking & get along session at a nearby hotel. We had a great time cooking and chatting with colleagues from Germany. I made a local chinese dish, the Kong Poh Chicken for the German colleagues. Really glad they loved it very much, even my Malay colleagues loved the dish. Others cooked Lamb Rendang, Chicken Rendang, Nasi Berminyak and also Lontong Soup. The German really loved Malaysian spicy dishes.

- The "Windmill" near the hotel, how I love this photo -

- Hotel Gut Tannepols, Thalheim -

- Chinese Representative Dish: Kong Poh Chicken -

- Nice colleagues from Germany -

, the 14th day and second last day I'm at Leipzig. ;( sob.... I had been thinking of shopping all these days, I haven't spend all my EURO120! So I had to go for the shopping asap, but others were busy with their own stuff! Finally I couldn't wait and thought to go shopping on my own. But end up Soon Hee being nice to go shop with me as, I'm not very familiar with the routes. So we walked up and down the few same stores - MANGO, C&A, ZARA etc.. Shelly and gang met us up at Zara a while later and "helped" me to make decision on the Zara outfit I eyed on. Everyone decided to have a "farewell" party for Miss 2-weeks. We settled down for dinner at Bar Fusz Restaurant at the warm valley we visited few days ago. Really had a tough time ordering our meals, Felix had to use his sound effects like Cookookoo for chicken.. etc. After dinner, we went loitering around Leipzig for my last night. Took some photo around the closed mini october fest. There was even fireworks that night, since the next day was Germany's National Day (3rd October). At last we settled down at Leo's Cafe next to our apartment to have a COLD drink, around 10-11 of us sitting outside of the cafe drinking beer risking our lives. Haha.. that was really fun but shivering wasn't really that cool.. haha..

- Last Day Shopping Spree, thanks to Soon Hee -

- So scary one this photo : Bar Fusz Restaurant -

- Miss this bunch of people much! -

- Jessie + Shelly (the evil duo) -

- Cheeerrrrsss!!! -

- Fireworks to celebrate my departure? -

04.10.08, the 15th day and the very last day I'm at Leipzig. It was a holiday in Germany, the National Day. In the morning I was up as early as 6am. Couldn't sleep, as I know I'll board the flight home in few hours time. I packed my stuff nicely into my luggage bags, it was 2x heavier than the ones I brought here. At 11am, I went to Cafe 418 to cook them the Kong Poh Chicken for lunch. My last agenda at Leipzig was to walk around the festival once again. I purposely wore only my guni-sack sweater to feel the cold weather.

Here's some of the interesting stuff we saw during the morning walk at the festival:

- The little roast pig turn round and round -

- Candle making needs patience -

- Weisen Beers, it was a mini October Fest after all -

- The Trdelnik we tried in Prague, it was here in Germany! -

- Last photo with each of them at Leipzig -

After that I went back to my room to collect my luggage getting ready to go home. Soon Hee, Felix and Shelly were there to help and bid me goodbye.

Those were my 15 days trip to Europe. It was a fast but memorable trip, I got to know a bunch of great colleagues and I love my new company very much. Life has been good, as long as we believed we are blessed with the best things.

... the end.


Anonymous said…
I will never get bored reading this part of your blog. HG

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