Since I'm about to join a new company, I ought to do a pre-employment medical check up. I chose to do it at Heartscan International Medical Center in Bangsar. Did some common tests including Blood test, Urine Test, Visual & Hearing Test, Lung Function Test and ECG. The medical report was out yesterday and the medic called to explain my report. Basically I'm fit to work but they discovered an almost absolute possibility of me having Thalassaemia Minor, an inherited blood disorder that affect the body's ability to create red blood cells, to be exact there is a lack of hemogoblin count in my blood. Hearing the sound of it made me worried I might die in 2 weeks. But according to the medic, this disease is a not life-threatening and usually does not have any symptoms or require any treatment. But I will have to make sure my husband is not another Thalassaemia Minor positive or there will be 25% (1 in 4) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with thalassaemia major. ...
Lullaby baby..