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My beloved 4-legged

No, I have not forgotten my dearest Cocoa, she just celebrated her 1st birthday last 16th of November and I felt so obligated to write an update post about her since the last post is when we got her home.

1. Unwilling to sleep in her cage/ room

The few first nights we have her home was disaster. Just like new parents, we coped with her cries and whines.. As we caged her at night. She poop and pee  everywhere in the cage, stepped and bathed in it. We got to clean the poop early in the morning before leaving to work, this is too much work so it left us no choice but to let loose of her sleeping in our room. She definitely has separation anxiety. Still remembers vividly that we took turns waking up at night to bring her out for poop n pee. As puppy unable to hold their bladder through the night yet. Only by around 6 month old she is able to sleep through the night, and so does us.
- First night home, caging her wasn't successful, sigh -
2. Training

I'm not a good trainer. My hubby is, and our idol is always Cesar Milan. Hubby practised most of his teaching especially during evening walks, to walk with us side-by-side instead of leading the way in front. We enjoyed seeing her behaving really well even though dogs along the way barked and growled at her. Hubby also trained her on basic commands like Sit, Stand, Down, Hand, Stay, No and Jump. She responded really well and golden is really one of the top breed in easiness to train. She also being trained to pee and poop on the grass ONLY. With these training, we have a really lovely dog at home. Fun to play with, and obedience level is just great.

- Training her to walk side by side -

- Sit command, followed by a treat as gift -

3. Grooming by professional and by us

Golden shed, like... a lot. And her fur is really so thick since she was fully kept in air conditioned room since young in the breeder's place. (Initially the breeder wanted to have her as a show dog, but decided to sell her instead as he got in some imported dogs for show) So we felt the obligation to keep her fur really well so it wouldn't waste off the effort, every weekend me and hubby would have a new hobby now, which is bathing the little girl. Only once in a month we would send her for full grooming in the pet shop where they able to clean her more thoroughly. And oh, we didn't manage to clip her nails, never! Only the pet shop owner able to do so, well, they are professional anyway.. got to pay the price then. RM 90 per session.

- We bought a pool to satisfy this golden's love for water -

- Once a month, to the favourite pet shop for pro grooming -

4. Cocoa and Piggy

My other beloved 4-legged has been with me since 7 years ago. Mr Piggy, the mixed breed rabbit. He is the coolest rabbit ever, had so much fun with him but this year he had been dealing with a lot sickness, his sorefeet had gone too bad and perhaps with old age, he couldn't fight with the infection anymore. He left us last July 20th. Cocoa has been very friendly with Piggy but Piggy as he is, grumpy ol' rabbit was not too friendly with any other animals. But he could tolerate being around Cocoa. Anyway their friendship was short-lived. Hope Piggy finds heaven and live happily there. I will always miss him.

Piggy and Cocoa

My beloved rabbit, who has changed mine and hubby's perception on rabbits. Piggy was one real cool rabbit. I'm sure he's the taiko in heaven of rabbits now.

5. First paw-ty at favourite pet shop

Cocoa has been quite timid and has separation anxiety from us. So every now and then we will bring her to the nearby pet shop "Eterna.bii" to socialize with other canines apart from grooming. So last July the pet shop had a grand opening paw-ty for all the furry friends in the neighbourhood. Of course Cocoa being the usual customer was being invited. We brought her to the paw-ty and she enjoyed herself with all kind of dog treats like pumpkin tarts, corn cookies, cheese cakes etc and of course, playtime with the bark friends. Glad to know we have a good pet shop nearby for all the 4-legged's needs.

6. First time boarding for 3 days 2 nights

We have in laws staying in with us, so we chose Cocoa who has a great temperament as companion dog especially for elders and kids. So my in laws did enjoy having her at home as much as we do. But because Cocoa sort of feel really anxious being home alone, we decided to send her for boarding when my in laws went for a short vacation. That was her first time staying out without us. At first was really worried if she could adapt, but Eterna.bii pet shop really gave thumbs up services for taking care of her. She gets her evening walks where she poop and peed, and gets to have routine playtime and sleeptime together with other dogs. Well, it's just like a kindergarten for canines.

7. First heat cycle

Cocoa started her first heat cycle in August, and our lives turned upside down. We couldn't find the biggest size doggie diaper for her, all were for little poddles or shih tzu! But Cocoa is a 20kg golden retriever! She needs the XXL diapers but we just couldn't find it. And according to petshop owner, big dogs usually get caged during heat to isolate her from other dogs and for hygiene purposes. But again, Cocoa could never tolerate the cage, sigh. We even tried sanitary pants and put on adult sanitary pads on her. But the drip just never being absorbed! So out of desperation we bought baby diapers for her and cut off a small hole at the back to place the tail out. Well, it works. And there, at least it solved our problem for this time. Cocoa is officially an adult now!

Refused to eat, refused to move, just moody ALL THE WAY. PMS-ing dog.

8. First birthday!

Cocoa celebrated her first birthday on 16th Nov. She's 1 year old! So happy Cocoa made it to this milestone! We bought a custom made cupcake from Eterna.bii and silly Cocoa enjoyed it too much that she vomited everything the next morning. Well, she ate the 4 cupcakes in 4 gobbles. But ah well, once a year she gets to indulge. 

We really love this fluffy dog so much, thought us the meaning of patience and discipline, and also unconditional love between pet and owner. 


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