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Hubby's Three-O Celebrations

My hubby turned 30 last May 25th. But since he had work to do on his exact birthday, I kinda arranged a surprise gift for him a week earlier. Something I planned way ahead.

I sent him a facebook event invitation to a "Mysterious Event" on 19th May, 9:00am. So the night before, I told him to sleep earlier, as the "event" tomorrow might be a little physical demanding. So there, we were awake on that day around 7:30am, and had breakfast before heading out. I drove us towards the destination, and Wil had not single idea what am I doing or where I'm heading. Not until I passed by the airport and he said, "Are we flying?" Oh well.. yeah.. He threw me an exclamation mark face :)

The way to FAS Udara Flying Club wasn't that easy, even with GPS! It's so hidden and Wil started to show his concerned face as whether I got the right way or not. 

Anyhow, we arrived at this place at 10.10am, our flight is 10:30am 

We filled up a form with personal particulars and signed the T&C for the course. We then got introduced to the pilot and were given a short safety briefing (really short one) cause we won't want to miss our pre-booked flight time!

There, Wil and the machine (Why... photobomb by that assistant!)

This is a 4 seater aircraft, look at the complicated instrumental panel. All the major control is done by the pilot, Wil will only get to control the Left, Right, Up and Down directions (4 axis). Above photo showing the take off, we were about to soar up the sky!

The momentum and G-force while taking off gave my stomach a twist, it was so thrilling! We are now flying at thousands feet above sea level and finally when the aircraft stabilized, Mr Ghana the pilot handed over the control to Wil. He was nervous I could tell, but who's not? Driving an aircraft for the first time with wife as the back passenger? 

We looked professional right?

Our route is towards Port Klang, since the weather is hazy, no point to go KL town

As Wil maneuver the aircraft around Klang Valley town, I enjoyed the scenery from the hind seat. Really beautiful and breathtaking! And out of sudden, I asked.. "Wow, a nice piece of cloud, can we go in there?"
Mr Ghana said, why not? C'mon!
Wil: *Gulp*

Wil driving into the cloud. Yeah, INTO THE CLOUD. It was kinda bumpy ride but Mr Ghana commented that Wil has a good hold on the control. Good job hubby!

After about 40 mins in the air, we have to land, the landing is done by Wil, but supervised by Mr Ghana, a little bumpy but we landed safe and sound. Haha.

And that concluded the course, introductory flight as a 1 Day Pilot! Here's a photo of the real pilot, Mr Ghana and my 1 Day Pilot hubby Wil.

After that "mysterious event", Wil is still feeling out-of-the-world for a moment before he could say to me, "Wow.. I'm floored and thanks so much dear wife for the surprise..." 

A really special birthday gift... right?

I think it was a real great adventure and experience for him, totally worth it ;-P

While on 24th of May, I treated him to a birthday dinner at Favola Restaurant in Le Meridien. Cammy and Sam joined the celebration and we had a really good evening together. He is the first among us to hit the big Three-O thus most senior! (Wink*)

Nice ambient and good service, the waitress offered to take photo for us voluntarily!

Food is good, not super excellent but it's alright. I love my seafood pizza and Wil love his baked cod fish. We had bruschetta and portobello mushroom as appertizers. And we had complimentary chocolate cake as dessert. Really full and satisfying!

Us with the birthday boy (man)!

So now Wil is officially 30 and I'm still 29 XD


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