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Love Blossoms

Attended Ai Teng's ROM earlier of the month, on a beautiful date 09.09.09 at the Chinese Assembly Hall in town. It was a date where hundreds of couple tied a knot, signed a paper to acknowledge their commitment to each other. Witnessing this event gave me a big smile both on my face (photo taking mar...) and also in my heart.

The lovely couples went through a few steps before being officially pronounced as husband and wife. First they exchanged vows, massively as there were hundreds of couples. Then they would come to the signing tables, six couples by six couples to sign the marital papers. After signing, couples marched towards the stage to walk through the happiness door (a flowery wired "door" on the stage). Then they got back to their seats and exchanged rings, kiss and drinks. There were complimentary bird-nest drink from the organizers. Lastly all couples cut their wedding cakes and took group photographs before ending the ceremony.

My lovely zi-mui and her newly wed husband walking through the happiness door, to a new chapter of their lives.

We were there to congratulate this beautiful lady, gave her the best blessing we could offer. There's a funny feelings grouching in my tummy, the girl I knew since 5 years back; who firmly assured us she won't be getting married early... is now walking down the aisle with her prince. I can feel her joy, her happiness, her glamorous smile already melted my heart. How very lovely :)

Look how innocent we looked, back then.. life is so simple, only thing in our mind is to score well in exams.. have fun after classes.. Really miss those days, where the few of us could loiter in "Wong Kok Restaurant" for a full day, 10-3pm.. 6 hours talking about the same old topic, same old gossips, same old sharing. We are still on the same topic, after years passed.

All the best dearest friend, may you be blessed with all great things ahead. Life would be really interesting from now on. Really look forward to your wedding night! :)

Who would be next?



Ai Teng said…
how sweet is this ...!!
Thanks gal !!!!! muaksssssssss.

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