It was a long awaited vacation for me and Wilson. Our back and shoulders were already so fatigued; and we NEEDED a break so much. At first we were all excited bout the trip, until the outbreak of AH1N1 virus.. the swine flu that went pandemic; weeks before our trip. So on and off, we have been discussing whether or not to go for the trip and risk on the influenza. In the end, we took up the risk and off we go, to... HEAVEN.. Bali...

We landed on Denpasar Airport approx. 10pm; 4th of July, 2009. Immediately we felt the humid weather; Bali island's weather. The hotel driver was already waiting for us upon our arrival, and fetched us to our hotel located in Center Ubud. We been through small winding roads, uphill and downhill. Finally reached the Abangan Bungalow. It was already past 11pm and we suppered with Instant Mee Goreng in the hotel. Amazingly the weather in Ubud was so cooling and breezy, me being extremely sensitive to cold felt freezing through the night. It was not something I expected here in Bali!
So we called it a day after supper; went to bed and felt ever excited for the trip to start the next day!
... I love my life ...
So we called it a day after supper; went to bed and felt ever excited for the trip to start the next day!
... I love my life ...