The other day my colleague brought a scale that is able to measure stuff like weight (obviously), fat content, moisture content, bone density, recommended kcal to eat a day etc.. the scale gave me an overall rate of 4 from 9 in terms of body fitness, namely label me as "UNDER EXERCISE".
Gosh, with so much walking and physical work I endured lately in work, I'm still under exercise? Looks like I really HAVE to get down to some serious exercise. Swimming every weekend isn't enough? Going gym after work, twice a week? This can be done actually, depending if I could persistently follow the plan.
The scale also stated that I should consume not more than 1039 kcal a day. This really freak me out, only a thousand kcal a day? As far as I'm concern, 2 pieces of Gardenia bread is already 200 kcal. Right, so I google-d this "what can I eat with 1000 kcal a day?" and found this recipe or diet plan:
Drinks throughout the day can include water, black tea and/or coffee without sugar and negligible calorie carbonated drinks such as Diet Coke.
This menu provides: 1000 calories, 60g protein, 145g carbohydrate, 21g fat
Morning Snack
Afternoon Snack
So I can have banana and bread for breakfast, tuna sandwich and yogurt for lunch, chicken chop for dinner and hot chocolate before going to bed. Doesn't sound too bad to me actually. Gotta watch out those food's kcal now, here's a list of food we frequent eat, with their kcal contribution:
Oh no, with only 1000 kcal a day.. I can merely have a good feast! How sad!
The scale also stated that I should consume not more than 1039 kcal a day. This really freak me out, only a thousand kcal a day? As far as I'm concern, 2 pieces of Gardenia bread is already 200 kcal. Right, so I google-d this "what can I eat with 1000 kcal a day?" and found this recipe or diet plan:
1000 Calorie Diet Sample Menu
Drinks throughout the day can include water, black tea and/or coffee without sugar and negligible calorie carbonated drinks such as Diet Coke.
This menu provides: 1000 calories, 60g protein, 145g carbohydrate, 21g fat
- Banana sandwich made with 2 small slices of wholemeal bread and a small banana.
- 200ml glass of orange juice
Morning Snack
- 100g pot of low fat fruit yoghurt
- 1 wholemeal roll (45g) filled with 70g tuna (canned in brine) and 10g reduced calorie mayonnaise
- Mixed salad of 50g lettuce, 50g red or yellow sweet peppers, 10g spring onions.
Afternoon Snack
- 28g bag of lower fat crisps (eg. Walkers Lites)
- 70g Roast Chicken breast (without skin)
- 80g Potatoes, mashed with 30ml semi-skimmed milk
- 60g Broccoli, steamed or boiled
- 50g Carrots, boiled 100ml Gravy (made from granules)
- 1 serving of low calorie Hot Chocolate Drink made with powder and water (eg. Cadbury's Highlights)
- Rice (1 bowl) approx. 125 kcal
- Noodle (250g) approx. 150 kcal
- Wholemeal bread 2 slices approx. 250 kcal
- Fried egg approx. 230 kcal
- Apple approx. 35 kcal
- Banana approx. 80 kcal
- Roast chicken (100g) approx. 200 kcal
- Roast duck (100g) approx. 340 kcal
- Roast pork (100g) approx. 285 kcal
- Luncheon meat (100g) approx. 350 kcal
- Popcorn (15g) approx. 380 kcal
- Boiled cabbage (100g) approx. 9 kcal
- Mashed potato (100g) approx. 120 kcal
- Donut approx. 350 kcal
- Milo (1 cup) approx. 425 kcal
- KFC Drumstick (100g) approx. 290 kcal
- MacD fries (100g) approx. 265 kcal
- MacD Burgers (100g) approx. 235 kcal
Oh no, with only 1000 kcal a day.. I can merely have a good feast! How sad!