The other day my colleague brought a scale that is able to measure stuff like weight (obviously), fat content, moisture content, bone density, recommended kcal to eat a day etc.. the scale gave me an overall rate of 4 from 9 in terms of body fitness, namely label me as "UNDER EXERCISE".
Gosh, with so much walking and physical work I endured lately in work, I'm still under exercise? Looks like I really HAVE to get down to some serious exercise. Swimming every weekend isn't enough? Going gym after work, twice a week? This can be done actually, depending if I could persistently follow the plan.
The scale also stated that I should consume not more than 1039 kcal a day. This really freak me out, only a thousand kcal a day? As far as I'm concern, 2 pieces of Gardenia bread is already 200 kcal. Right, so I google-d this "what can I eat with 1000 kcal a day?" and found this recipe or diet plan:
1000 Calorie Diet Sample Menu
Drinks throughout...