Me and Wilson went to Jason Mraz's concert at Stadium Negara Kuala Lumpur on the 4th of March 2009. We had 2 tickets at the Pitt (in front of the stage)! We were about 15 people away from the stage..

Jason Mraz is great performer, a great crowd pleaser.. We were all swept away by his singing.. music.. jokes.. The crowd were really supportive and all sang along with him! Amazingly and unexpectedly the crowd seemed to know all the songs and the lyrics! Well, to be honest I have no idea what are his other songs other than "I'm Yours" or "Lucky" before going for the concert. Listening to him singing live was a great experience, he has good vocal and extremely talented with his guitar skills!

The quite large crowd at a very yesterday stadium..

Camwhoring before the show kicked off
Jason sang songs such as "You & I both", "The Remedy", "If It Kills Me", "Live Is Wonderful" etc.. Now I felt like getting his album to listen.. :)

There's him in the middle of his band, wearing a "I LOVE KL" T-shirt..
Overall it was a great concert, nice singer, happening live band and supportive crowd. We enjoyed ourselves very much that night. Here's a video clip of Jason's best song of the year... enjoy! (Wilson's hand sure was tired holding the handphone for 8minutes.. hehe)