So happen I overheard something funny one working morning... a tele-conversation between Despo and some supplier I don't know who..
Despo: Ya ya we got fax machine..
Supplier: (Should be asking for the fax number)
Despo: sven-twee-twee-egg-wan-egg-twee-too
I can't help but LOL hard and loud in my heart. I must be so evil hearted to laugh at her pronunciation. BUT IT WAS FARNEEE WOKAY????
So I told Wilson bout this laughing stock and he replied me that his colleague even pronounced ZERO as JIRO.
HAHA... Their Englands are real wonderful..
Despo: Ya ya we got fax machine..
Supplier: (Should be asking for the fax number)
Despo: sven-twee-twee-egg-wan-egg-twee-too
I can't help but LOL hard and loud in my heart. I must be so evil hearted to laugh at her pronunciation. BUT IT WAS FARNEEE WOKAY????
So I told Wilson bout this laughing stock and he replied me that his colleague even pronounced ZERO as JIRO.
HAHA... Their Englands are real wonderful..