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Showing posts from October, 2013

Pregnancy Update: 1st Trimester

Cloud 9 about us being pregnant did not last too long. When I started the 6th week of pregnancy the world seems to turn around. I lost ALL my appetite on food. Yes, morning sickness kicked in and it was really hitting me hard without any signs. I was literally vomiting every single drop of juice in my stomach EVERY morning. It was sour and bitter, I just couldn't stop it until I totally ruined the throat. I vomit at the trigger of cigarette smell, oily food smell and any kind of irritant that I've not thought of before. I vomit in the mid of the night, first thing awake, while driving to work (ever ready plastic bags in the handbag), on the way walking from carpark to office, in the office, after lunch, after dinner.... You name it. At least 10 times a day. And lasted from the 6th week to the end of 1st trimester.  Not a single food can make me feel hungry. Experienced friends advices me to munch on crackers, but I hate the taste. I went on days without being ab...