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Actual Day Preparation - Food Tasting

Our wedding reception would be held in Grand Palace Restaurant, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. We were given a complimentary 10 pax set dinner for tasting of the actual food we ordered for the guests. Me and my family, together with Wilson and family happily sit in for the food tasting session on 10th of November 2012. 

The dishes generally tasted not bad. We had some comments though. 
  1. Palace Four Season Combination - To add another "dish" in the center of the plate making it Five Season Combination, we thought the center piece being empty is not grandly presented.
  2. Double Boiled Shark's Fin with Village Chicken - To be changed to the usual braised shark's fin with crab meat. Personally we would really like to omit the shark's fin, but the old folks insisted.
  3. Roasted Whole Suckling Pig - Wilson loved the taste, but others comment that it was too thin, so this dish is to be improved on the thickness of the pork meat. Nevermind bout me, I'm not a pork-eater.
  4. Palace Style Steamed Red Snapper Fish - We hated this fish. The food presentation was bad, the fish meat was rough and the taste was so-so. We changing this to Thai style Snapper fish instead.
  5. Palace Style Baked Live Prawn - Great dish, very fresh large prawn.
  6. Braised Vegetable with Mushroom - Also a great dish, no comment!
  7. Steamed Glutinous Rice with Chicken and Mushroom - OK, this is a bit weird. It's actually a Loh Mai Kai for each guest on the table. We thought it's too weird so this is to be changed to usual large portion of glutinous rice wrapped in lotus leaves instead.
  8. Double boiled soy bean with Gingko - Me and Wilson actually loved this dessert but Wilson's dad commented that old folks prefer hot dessert. So we changing this to Red Bean Soup with Mandarin Skin.
  9. Special Fancy Pastries - We were given something like mooncake and peanut pastry. But everyone did not like it! So we proposed to change to "Woh Peng" which is then agreed by everyone.
- Food Tasting for our banquet dinner package -

OK I know, we changed 4 out of 8 dishes. It's considered quite bad isn't it? Anyway we hope with our customization of the dishes, our guests would be more satisfied. Anyway we aren't going to eat the dishes on our actual wedding dinner night.. but we still need to make sure the food is good for the guests. They are all close family and friends to us! 

On the same day, we discussed on the details with the restaurant manageress. We requested for the restaurant's seating plan, so we could assign numbering to our guest tables. And also we looked closely to the set ups of the restaurant, to gauge the feel of the actual day. Finally we requested for the voucher for invitation card printing. 5 complimentary invitation cards per table is given to us as a package for the wedding banquet. 

It was an enjoyable event, both families had some time chit chatting about the wedding preparations and had some red wine. Oh gosh, butterflies start to grow in my stomach. The big day is coming really soon!


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