We have been really effective for all the to-dos in our list. From date selection to registration form submission, now to bridal house confirmation.
I believe it is every girl's dream to put on a wedding gown and veil and look into mirror seeing herself transformed into a princess for that special day. Looking at friends wearing those beautiful gown, walking down the aisle.. kept me really wondering, how would I look in.. wedding gown?
I would know the answer now..
I have short-listed 3 bridal houses to take our pre-wedding photography package: Mo.co, Ke.ep Gal.lery and As.pial Wed.ding.
Firstly, we visited As.pial Wed.ding at SS2. We were served really effectively by the wedding consultant, Yen. We glanced through tonnes of their signature photographs and photo albums. I really love their photography style, which concentrate on emotions and people. Backgrounds are not main focus. Natural and candid shots did captured my heart immediately. Next Yen brought us to their gown selection area, where I tried on 4 wedding gowns and 1 evening gown. Honestly I can't believe my eyes, these gowns selected by Yen for my trial, was perfect! Love them at first sight.
And then of course, we got down to business discussing the package details. We managed to negotiate down to a satisfactory package. At first we thought to continue the bridal house search with the other 2 short-listed ones, but I guess Wilson can sensed that I really love this bridal house. We signed up after the final negotiation with the main photographer. We then made appointment for gown fitting, photography sessions and photo selection sessions. The whole process was easily 5 hours, but we sealed the pre-wedding photography package in a day!
Well, not sure if we're lazy for not surveying further or we simply found the right one at first visit. I hope it's the latter. So by now, we have exactly 3 months to get ourselves ready for the photoshoot. Let's hope everything goes on well and may it be a great experience and sealed in our memory forever.