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Recap 2011

Is it a bit late to recap 2011?
Anyway, I thought it's good to at least put down in words how 2011 had passed.


  • Days in Company V almost drained all my energy both mentally and physically. Customers' expectations were overwhelming and I would applaud to myself being able to survive those days. Perhaps I was weak afterall?
  • Quit Company V to join Company H in April. Disappointed with Company V's management, I advance to another company with seemingly great potential for career growth. The first 2 months was great, I learnt really a lot from my superior. However 2 months later, due to company's financial problem ,we got late paychecks. That was the first time in my career life. My cash flow became all messed up. Matter became worse when my superior resigned from the company. My future seems in all dark at this point. I came to work with fear, seeing debt collectors banging tables at the guy next door which was the company's Purchaser. Colleagues leaving the company one by one, we had farewell lunch almost every week. Yes, it was this demotivating.
  • I was promoted to managerial level just after 4 months working in Company H. An accomplishment I think worthwhile for my stay here. But with this promotion, it also means I wont easily find a new job with same rank. I was really devastated when I went for a job interview, the interviewer criticized my portfolio. It did hurt deeply. Just when I thought I have no way out, a retired director suggested that I move on to another division in the company. I agreed, because the other division is a much successful one in comparison.
  • I moved to the new division with my team in November. At first was really tough to fit into this new working style and people groups. But my new boss, whom is the COO of the division, is really great in terms of leadership. He helps me a lot to fit in and finally now I see myself a part of this company. No more late paychecks now, I have a good superior and nice colleagues. Competitions are there, but it's positive competition, it does keep me motivated this time around.
  • I hope in 2012, my career path would be less rocky. I want to have more concentration on my personal life for now.
Personal Life

  • Year 2011 was quite bland in my personal life. I'm in a stable relationship, we do fight once a while but it was meant to understand and tolerate with each other better.
  • Celebrated 10 years courtship anniversary with my love.
  • Worth to mention, I bought my first Apple product - the iPhone 4. Ditching Nokia for good.
  • I curled my hair with Japanese perm. The results were good, I love the new look after years of straight long hair.

  • May 2011 - a short getaway to Hat Yai with Wilson and family. Spent really long hours on the road trip, quite an interesting one. Especially for Wilson on trying out the exotic food aka fried insects snacks.
  • May 2011 too - business trip to Shanghai on my own. A short trip but managed to roam around Shanghai by train and cab. Working with principals from UK and China, it was good experience to understand their work culture and behaviours.
  • August 2011 - bachelorette trip to Cherating with my best girlfriends from university, lovely trip and make me wonder how boring uni life would be without them. We post with each other on the beach with bikini on, well, our argument was, "when to wear bikini again, if not now?"
  • September 2011 - a short getaway to Lake Kenyir with my love. Took a long and fun road trip to the East Coast. Love the time we got to spend with each other, even though the lake and the resort not as good as expected.

  • My brother graduated from university this year. I know it was tough but he made it through, am extremely proud of him.
  • Brother's girlfriend brought him a pug puppy. Ended the family in mess. We didn't hate the dog but we just can't tolerate the mess! Slowly by now we accepted the little puppy and tried to adapt him into our lives.
  • Mother went for working trip to Singapore for months, things at home were at mess.
That was how 2011 served me. Oh man, it was tough.

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