Behold, the new member of our family...

Maybe he's piggy's brother afterall, they share the same style of laying on the floor.

He's a 3 months old Dwaft. Chubby, tame and active. Unlike many dwafts, Bob never bites.. he's a nice and good manner hamster. This little one loves to sleep with 4 legs up facing the sky and always made us wonder is he dead or fainted. Nah, just his way of relaxing..

Bob hasn't got a proper home yet, his real master is my brother. He hasn't bought a proper home for this little one and he has to temporary stay in a plastic container and a self-made hut (made from some cardboard box). I made him get a proper home for it if he wants to keep it, too poor thing to have Bob stay in a container.

Maybe he's piggy's brother afterall, they share the same style of laying on the floor.
Piggy doesn't really fancy a "brother" at all. We tried to put them together but Piggy is not interested with that little thing after all. But Bob was trilled to be next to Piggy, trying to climb on top of Piggy. Seeing Piggy in an attack stance, I think it's best not to get them too close. I don't want Bob's head in Piggy's mouth. Yaya.. my rabbit is not tame at all. It's a rabbit-dog.