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Showing posts from October, 2012

Wind of Change

Have not really update on things other than wedding nowadays. Well, the wind of change lately has been strong. Not only I'm changed to Mrs Lai now, I'm also changing home address soon, and will have another drastic change in my career path. I'm ditching engineering, for good. Never have I thought this day would come. I have loved engineering since day one I started Science Stream in Form 4. I wanted to be an engineer. I achieved that until certain level, but now I'm putting a full stop, or perhaps a comma to it. Days in Company H and Company V had me reconsidered what exactly I like doing. I was in business development in both companies, for engineering products. I re-evaluate those days, how much % I'm happy and how much % I'm not. My conclusion is, sad to say, only 40% happy. Maybe I'm weak but I would rather opt for the reason that I'm unlucky in banking for employers. Company V is cash rich, but with difficult customers and limited room