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Showing posts from April, 2010

Health Boost Drink

My mother is a great person, although at times I think she nags way too much.. but she's still the most wonderful mother on earth (for me..) She complaints how weak/pale I look so she made this health boosting drink for me every single day. She will put the drink in a thermos and reminds me at least 3 times a day to bring to office. The drink is made up of all Chinese medication herb; these few ingredients come together to enhance my health in a whole: Chinese wolfberries (枸杞子 gou ji zi) - help eyesight, improve liver's health, improve circulation - Codonopsis root (党参 dang shen) - Activates metabolism and improves blood circulation, counters mental and physical fatigue - Red dates (红枣 hong zao) - Nourish blood, retard aging; warming; moderating the toxicity of potent drugs - (Dried Longan) - For better taste - Love this drink so much.. taste a little sweet and rich in aroma. Yummy and healthy. Thanks mummy :D - SluRp! -

D-I-Y Mask

I've started a new hobby. Do-It-Yourself masks. My skin was getting duller and duller due to lack of facial care. I only wash my face once in the morning and once at night with a simple over-the-counter facial cleanser. It was an eye opener when I came across a magazine discussing bout affordable masks, right out from the fridge! I read on and discovered, HONEY - Strong anti-inflammatory agent that prevents infections and reduces the existing ones when applied on problem or sensitive skin type. EGG - Egg whites cleanse, exfoliate and tighten; where egg yolks moisturize, feed, and soothe your skin. MILK - Has role of enzymes, some anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling and ease the tension in the skin effect. For a smooth and fair skin. LEMON - Acid in lemon tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, cleanse the oily and unclean skin. Voilà! So... I invented my own mask :D - 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 egg - - fresh milk - - Beat the mixture till fluffy - - A few drops of lemon jui...