Day 6 approached too fast, before we realized it was the second last day of our trip! We made a round-table discussion to decide which attraction to go. And hey! We've been to almost all places of interest~ except the Kuta beach, since there is an old man in our gang who doesn't like the beach. I'm for sure, absolutely double triple quadruply NOT ever ever EVER to include this old man in our trips anymore. He's a spoilage to the gang. Finally we agreed on a last destination to whack~ The Mother Temple Besakih located in the village of Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern Bali. Wilson would be the one driving the jeep and I am the one navigating the map! - Wilson on Katana - We reached Mother's Temple at 11am in the morning. The temple can be a bit of a tourist trap, especially during the day. In the evening it quietens down and may be a better time to visit. Besakih does have a system of temple guides, which can be annoying for some people. Besakih is not...
Lullaby baby..